Basket-weave recycled brick paving
Belmont, Victoria
I reckon I’ll never run out of things to think about.
It seems so far to be true that the nature of the mind is to be forever thinking. (I’ll let you know when I reach enlightenment)
My mind is an evaluation station. An idea machine that one day inspires hope and the next inspires anxiety and dread.
Thought is a viewfinder that with each changing image past is made present and present made future. Present only exists when we put down the viewfinder.
When I look at time, I see it as time spent in past memory or future thought, I sense that time is not linear. It’s in constant flux. What’s happening right now, in this moment?
I’m here, typing words. Now I’m there, where you are, wondering if you’ll be reading what I’m typing right now wondering if you think that this is all fucking nonsense and I should probably stick to writing about building, or stone, or whatever it is that this is. You’re in the future; I’m here, in the past. Typing this.
Designing and building outdoor spaces requires a similar time warp.
What we’re creating is for then as much as it is for now. What we’re building is underfoot at Christmas lunch, it’s the backdrop to family photos; the garden where Grandpa grew his best tomatoes.
It’s why when we build with you, we communicate openly.
Every project has its own purpose.
We get it. We’re a family too.